
Functional Genomics in South Africa

Every cellular process in your body is instructed by the 22,000 genes that make up your genetic code. Our nutrition, lifestyle and environmental decisions impact our genetic function. Decode your genes so you can make the right choices.

As the franchise owner, I am thrilled to be a proud ambassador of The DNA Company South Africa. It is with great excitement that I share the groundbreaking news of our launch of the industry’s foremost authoritative functional genomic testing through our esteemed organization.

My name is Lynn Angel, CFGP, FBA, WCCM. I am a Certified Functional Genomics Practitioner, a Specialised Kinesiologist, member of ASKSA and a fellow native South African.

I have joined forces with The DNA Company to change the way clients and patients view and experience healthcare. We are doing this by providing cutting-edge solutions that delve deep into the intricacies of individual genetic makeup.

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Our functional genomic testing goes beyond traditional genetic analysis, offering a comprehensive understanding of how genes interact and influence overall health by looking at specific pathways in the body that govern our mood and behavior, sleep, cardiovascular, diet and nutrition, immunity and longevity.

Lifestyle diseases, also known as non-communicable diseases (NCDs), are preventable conditions primarily caused by unhealthy behaviors, habits and lifestyle choices. In South Africa, as in many other countries, several lifestyle diseases contribute significantly to the overall health burden. Here are nine notable lifestyle diseases in South Africa:

  • Cardiovascular Diseases (CVDs): Heart disease and stroke are major contributors to morbidity and mortality in South Africa. Risk factors include poor diet, lack of physical activity, smoking, and excessive alcohol consumption.
  • Type 2 Diabetes: The prevalence of diabetes is rising in South Africa, largely due to factors such as obesity, sedentary lifestyles, and poor dietary habits.
  • Obesity: Obesity is a significant risk factor for various other lifestyle diseases, including cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and certain cancers.
  • Unhealthy diets and a lack of physical activity contribute to the high prevalence of obesity in South Africa.
  • Hypertension (High Blood Pressure): Hypertension is widespread in South Africa, often linked to lifestyle factors such as a high-salt diet, lack of exercise, and obesity.
  • Respiratory Diseases (e.g., Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease – COPD): Smoking, exposure to air pollution, and occupational hazards contribute to respiratory diseases, which pose a substantial health challenge in South Africa.
  • Cancer: Various forms of cancer, including lung, breast, and colorectal cancer, are influenced by lifestyle factors such as smoking, poor diet, and lack of physical activity.
  • Mental Health Disorders: Mental health conditions, including depression and anxiety, are on the rise in South Africa. Stress, lifestyle pressures, and societal factors contribute to the mental health burden.
  • Chronic Kidney Disease: Uncontrolled diabetes and hypertension contribute to the increasing prevalence of chronic kidney disease in South Africa, placing an additional burden on healthcare resources.

Without the key to unlocking your specific genetic code, addressing these lifestyle diseases would be all guesswork. Using a precision medicine approach to direct healthier lifestyles, regular exercise, and balanced diets and in order to reverse and prevent these diseases, one can guarantee greater success.

Our coaching programs offer true virtual care sessions with a Certified Functional Genomics clinician and other in-house wellness and medical experts.

These innovative coaching programs allow individuals to make informed decisions about their well-being based on personalized insights derived from their unique genetic code. 

Join us at The DNA Company – Southern Africa on this transformative journey as we empower individuals across Africa with the knowledge to optimize their health, well-being, and longevity through the power of functional genomics.

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Prevent disease.
Slow aging.
Optimize performance.

Every cellular process in your body is instructed by the 22,000 genes that make up your genetic code. Our nutrition, lifestyle and environment decisions impact our genetic function. Decode your genes so you can make the right choices.


Did you know that your current diet, lifestyle, and environmental choices could be increasing your chances of health problems based on your unique DNA?
The generic DNA tests you’ve heard of tell you how likely you are to have a health problem.
Our next generation DNA 360 test and report will help you discover exactly what diet, lifestyle, and environment choices can help you avoid health problems.
The DNA 360 Report will provide you with reports on sleep, diet, hormones, fitness, cardiovascular system, mood, immunity, detox and more. Each report gives you easy to understand recommendations that help you improve your health.
Stop relying on generic health advice that’s not tailored to you and get personalized health advice based on your body’s unique DNA

In a league of our own, We challenge the standard set by other DNA companies.

Unlike similar DNA testing, our DNA 360 Test goes beyond surface-level analysis by examining 4.7 billion data points from your saliva, making it one of the most comprehensive tests on the market. After taking the test, you’ll receive 38 detailed health reports along with an exclusive longevity report, providing actionable insights that could potentially add an extra ten years to your lifespan. With its advanced technology and personalized recommendations, the DNA 360 Test offers unparalleled depth and precision in unlocking the secrets of your genetic blueprint for optimal health and longevity.

Basic SNP Detection
Diet Recommendations
Supplement recommendations
Does not sell your data
Complex pathway interpretation
Epigenetic recommendations
Habit recommendations
Chronic disease prevention recommendations
Anti-Aging recommendations

Generic DNA reports often focus on providing risk percentages. But knowing there is a 90% risk of something is not enough. Consumers want to know, “what can be done to reduce that risk?” This is exactly what The DNA 360 Report does. It tells you exactly what health optimizations you can make to be part of the 10% group that avoid the issue. Find out exactly what diet, lifestyle and environmental choices are right for your DNA and risk profile.


Most DNA companies do a very shallow scan to find irregularities in your DNA. They do this by scanning something called gene “SNPs”. The DNA Company’s advanced DNA test looks far beyond surface level SNPs. Our advanced DNA test scans several layers deeper beyond SNPs to see if you have missing genes, copies, or even gene mutations. This is the deepest level DNA scan available on the market.
Every gene is part of a system in your body. Generic tests focus on telling you if you have a specific gene or not. But identifying a gene that is present only tells part of the story. How that gene interacts with other systems in your body is the missing piece of the puzzle not provided by generic DNA tests. The DNA Company’s advanced DNA test and 360 Report will not only tell you which genes you have but it will generate 6 system reports telling you exactly how those genes function inside of important systems in your body. In order to create this systems-first approach to DNA scanning The DNA Company conducted the largest study of its kind studying over 7,000 individuals. Our genomics team and engineers used this study to help build our deep scanning technology. The latest version of our deep scanning technology scans your DNA using over 4.7 billion data points.

What Experts Are Saying

“The DNA Company reports are also very concise and to the point. Clinically I didn't find the value of looking at hundreds of SNPs that we don't have a hope of influencing. I would much rather look at the DNA Company reports and correlate with other testing and their history to see where we can actually shift a person's health in the right direction. By strategically looking at genetic variables we can influence, we give the body a tremendous tool that it can use to start fixing itself.”
Dr Jared Seigler DC, CFMP, CGP
The Living Proof Institute
“I've defined my practice by seeking out, studying, and implementing the most well-researched natural approaches to optimal health and vitality. As a tool in the pursuit of optimizing human health and performance, the genetic tests and interpretations of the DNA Company are world class."
Kellyann Petrucci, M.S., N.D
“I’m constantly blown away by the amount of genetic data and actionable information one can garner from a simple bit of saliva. A lot of the stuff you get from most DNA tests can be useful. But to get really, really useful information on things that can help you out th a span or your brain health, you have to take a deeper dive. You have to look at a lot more of these so-called SNPs. That’s what The DNA Company did for me. They gave me a functional overview of my health and wellness.”
Ben Greenfield
Biohacker and new york times best selling author

Two Ways to Optimize your Health

On Your Own


A Self-Directed, Comprehensive Digital Guide To Your Functional Genomics + Behavioral Change Insights To Help You Take Action.

INCLUDES: Total Genomic Analysis Reports | Health & Wellness Recommendations | Nutrition & Supplement Recommendations

Working with a functional

GENOMIC Practitioner

Three Clinically Driven Programs Provide A Deeper Understanding Of Your Genomics Blueprint. Our Program Has Concierge Support All The Way Through Your Health Optimization Experience.

  • Led by our highly trained functional genomics practitioners
  • Focus on nutrition, lifestyle, home and work environments
  • Genetically inspired supplements.

Protecting Your Privacy and DNA Data

We do not sell your data. Not now, not ever. Our business model is providing you, the consumer, high quality advanced DNA tests and reports.

We are not like other DNA companies.

The uncomfortable truth is that other DNA companies are selling your data behind closed doors because that is their business model. They are in the data collection and data selling business – we are not. Our business model is to focus on you, the consumer, and provide you with high quality DNA tests and reports, not sell large corporations data.

When you purchase a DNA test and report from The DNA Company you can rest assured that your data is stored in bank grade security servers and that your data will never be sold to a third party. The only people to ever access your data will be you and our lab that produced the report on your behalf.

Your saliva sample will be secured and handled with care.

Turning Insights into Instructions


Actionable insights from the world leader in functional genomic interpretation taking DNA from probability to certainty

Dr. Mansoor Mohammed 
CUSTOM SOLUTIONS: How to Make Change 

Using your genetic information empowers you to make personalized, sustainable lifestyle changes that cater to your unique needs and preferences.

Kashif Khan 
BEHAVIOR CHANGE: Insights into Action 
Coaching recommendations from NYTimes best selling author of Tiny Habits and Director of Stanford University’s Behavior Design Lab

Dr. BJ Fogg 

Our Clinical Partners

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“Healthcare shouldn’t be about waiting to get sick.”

Thrive Clinic  
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“When we understand our genes…I think this is the future of personalized health”

Lisa Tamati 
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“This is the product that I recommend to our 7000 doctors.”

Sachin Patel 
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“…understanding the complexities of [our patients’] genetic issues allowed us to better target our recommendations.”

Andrea Nakayama 

Don't take our word for it!
Here's what our customers think

“The DNA Company reports are also very concise and to the point. Clinically I didn't find the value of looking at hundreds of SNPs that we don't have a hope of influencing. I would much rather look at the DNA Company reports and correlate with other testing and their history to see where we can actually shift a person's health in the right direction. By strategically looking at genetic variables we can influence, we give the body a tremendous tool that it can use to start fixing itself.”
Dr Jared Seigler DC, CFMP, CGP
The Living Proof Institute
“I've defined my practice by seeking out, studying, and implementing the most well-researched natural approaches to optimal health and vitality. As a tool in the pursuit of optimizing human health and performance, the genetic tests and interpretations of the DNA Company are world class."
Kellyann Petrucci, M.S., N.D
“I’m constantly blown away by the amount of genetic data and actionable information one can garner from a simple bit of saliva. A lot of the stuff you get from most DNA tests can be useful. But to get really, really useful information on things that can help you out th a span or your brain health, you have to take a deeper dive. You have to look at a lot more of these so-called SNPs. That’s what The DNA Company did for me. They gave me a functional overview of my health and wellness.”
Ben Greenfield
Biohacker and new york times best selling author
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